Wednesday 14 October 2009

memories of the cabinet 1999

So, did you talk to him?
Yes, a little.
What did you talk about? How did you find him?
I asked him these and those. And he's given me ever so clear and intelligent answers to my questions.
Did you like him?
I'm not sure if I liked him, but thought you might like him, do you?
Pttt. No. I loved his first film. You know it's a beautiful piece of work, so sharp and dazzling with bitter reality. But this, his second one feels a bit artificial, at least I felt it was when I went to the private screening. I didn't like the way he was when I first met him. There was something I couldn't trust what he said. And after the private screening, while we were moving to a pub, he came near me and asked what I thought of the final edition of the film we all saw in the screening.
I told him that I was disappointed.
He said he found me very sexy.
I told him to fuck off.
Is that all?
That's all.
Do you want some chocolate?
No, thanks.

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